Monday, October 26th, 2020.

Hello Everybody. How are you today? I hope you are well together your family. This is week number 8 and these are the activities proposed by the teacher.

- For the class by zoom: 

Watch and listen to the video about opposite adjectives.



- At home for Homework:  

Watch the video and pay special attention how describe people. 




    Day one: 

1.- Copy a list of adjectives and write the opposite with their meanings. Use the word bank 
2.- Watch  and copy the sentences that describe people.


 Dar click para descargar



Send to your teacher to her mail


Day two: 

1.- Listen and choose the adjective you hear.

Dar click para descargar


Send to your teacher by the blog.


Good Luck!  Be punctual.


The deadline is on October 30th.  






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