
Showing posts from June, 2021
 Monday, June 21st, 2021. Week 10 unit 4. Hello students, How are you? I hope you are well close your family. This is the last week and you have to send your Project. Please! Be punctual. Don't forget the deadline is on friday, 25th. Good Luck! Have a nice vacation who are ready with all the activities. It was a pleasure being your English teacher. See you soon!    
 Monday, June 14th, 2021 Week 9, Unit 4. Good afternoon everybody, We are in week number 9 and you have to do an online activity. If you are ready, you can send your project this week.   At home for homework: Dar click para descargar. The deadline is on Friday, June 18th, 2021. Be punctual.
  Monday, June 7th, 2021 Week 8 unit 4: Reinforcement. Good afternoon everybody, I hope you are well close your family. We are in week number 8 and the topic is Reinforcement unit 4. The skill that you are going to develop is reading. These are the activities proposed by the teacher: For classes by zoom: Remember comparatives and superlatives. At home for homework: You have to work on yournotebook by hand. 1) Read, copy the story and underline the comparative or superlative adjectives (2p) 2) Write numbers (1-7) in the order they appear on the text. (2p) 3) Answer the questions about the text. (2p) 4) Write True   or False according to the reading. (2p)   5) Find the superlative of: good, bad, big, weak and young. Write the missing letters on the pictures. (2p) Dar click para descargar   Send to your teacher to her mail:  Be punctual! The deadline is on friday, June 11th, 2021.   Don't forget you have to work in activities B1 and B2 of your Project. D