
Showing posts from January, 2021
  Monday, January 25th, 2021. Queridos estudiantes mil disculpas por escribir en español pero quiero que el mensaje les llegue claro. Esta semana es la ultima y cerramos el primer quimestre, necesito que envien el proyecto a la brevedad posible, recuerden que la fecha maxima de entrega es el jueves 28 pero pueden enviarlo desde hoy. No dejen para el ultimo ya hemos trabajado en el mismo desde el 4 de enero. En vista de que muchos estudiantes no han cumplido con el refuerzo y la actividad de navidad, las voy a publicar nuevamente para que las envien. Tambien publicare la caratula y el proyecto. Les deseo lo mejor que entreguen excelentes trabajos y esta semana no habra tarea para que se dediquen de lleno a lo que no han hecho aun. Un feliz inicio de semana. Trabajos atrasados por favor enviar a mi whatsapp 0997257511. El proyecto a mi correo Caratula del Proyecto: Dar click para descargar   Proyecto:   Dar click para descargar.   Refuerzo: Dar click para de
Monday, January 18th, 2021 Good afternoon dear students, I hope you are well together your family. The topic is Present Continuous and this is week number 8 and the activity is online. Don't forget going on your project. These are the activities proposed by the teacher. At home for homework: Caratula para el proyecto. Dar click para descargar.     Online Activity: 1.- Form the gerund (ING) 2.- Write is-am-are 3.- write isn't/aren't/'m not. 4.- write the correct form. Dar click para descargar.   Send to your teacher by the blog. Be punctual. The deadline is on January 22th. GOOD LUCK!
 Monday, January 11th, 2021. Good afternoon students I hope you are well together your family. This is week 7 unit 2 and the topic is present progressive. Don't forget going on your project activity B. These are the activities proposed by the teacher. At home for homework: 1.- Complete the following chart in the present progressive. 2.- unscramble the words to make sentences. 3 .- Read the sentences above and number the pictures. Dar click para descargar   Send to your teacher to her mail: Be Punctual. The deadline is on January 15th. GOOD  LUCK!
  Monday, January 04th, 2021. Good afternoon my dear students, this is a new year and I hope, It comes hopeful.We are in week number 6 and you have to copy in your notebook the following activities. Don`t forget you start the interdisciplinary project this week and you have to do the activities at the same time. Caratula para el proyecto. Dar click para descargar   Project for Students. Dar click para descargar     Parents' explanation. Explicacion para los padres. Dar click para descargar.   For clases by zom: Watch the video and understand the present progressive. At home for HOMEWORK: 1 .- Complete the sentences using the present progressive 2.- Copy the charts on your notebook. Dar click para descargar      Good Luck!