
Showing posts from November, 2020
  Monday, November 30th, 2020. Good Afternoon students, this is week 2, second partial. The topic is Subject Pronouns. You have to do 2 Activities: The first one is on your notebook by hand and the second one is an online activity. For clases by zoom:   Dar click para Descargar   At home for Homework: Day One: A. Workshop: On your notebook by hand. 1.- Using subject pronouns rewrite the sentences. Dar click para Descargar   Send to your techer to her mail  Day two: B. Liveworksheet: online activity  Fill in the blanks with subject pronouns( I-You-He-She-It-We-You-They). Dar click para Descargar Send to your teacher by the blog.  The deadline is on December 4th. Be Punctual! GOOD LUCK!  
  Monday, November 23rd, 2020 Good afternoon students, I hope you're well, we start a new partial with the first week. The topic is Subject Pronouns and To Be verb. The skill is Communication and Cultural Awareness.  For clases by zoom: Dar click para descargar     At home for Homework : Day one: A. Workshop: 1.- Complete the Grammar Chart.  2 fill in the blank with subject pronouns(He-she-they) and to be verb ( am - is - are ) 3.- Label the pictures. Use the word bank. dar click para descargar   Day two: B. Google forms:   1.- Choose am is are to complete the sentences. 8 A  Dar click para descargar 8 B Dar click para descargar   8 C  Dar click para descargar 8 D Dar click para descargar   8 E  Dar click para descargar 8 F   Dar click para Descargar The deadline is on November 27th. Be Punctual! GOOD LUCK!        
  Monday, November 9th, 2020. Good Afternoon everybody, this is a final week and you have to do the Project and the Reinforcement . These are the activities proposed by the teacher.  For Classes by zoom: My lovely Family Reading. - Read and try to understand. Dar click para descargar     At home for Homework: Day 1: Activity on your notebook. 1.- Write in English the following vocabulary. 2.- Read the following paragraphs and copy the found descriptions.  3.- Make a collage with your family photos and describe your mom, dad,brother, sister, Grandparents, yourself and your pet.  You can follow the descriptionn above. Dar click para descargar.   Send to your teacher's mail :   Day  2 : Virtual Activity. Google form 1.- READ THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS AND CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER ACCORDING TO THE STORY.   OCTAVO A     OCTAVO B     OCTAVO C   OCTAVO D     OCTAVO E     OCTAVO F       Send to your teacher by the blog. GOOD LUCK!  the deadline is on Novembe
  Wednesday, November 4th, 2020. Good afternoon dear students. I hope you are well and continue taking care of yourself. This week is too short that is why You have only an online activity related to Opposite adjectives that was the topic that you saw last week. Get it right and send all the outstanding activities. For Homework:  - Match the words to the correct pictures and complete the crossword. Then find a secret message. This message is in the center from the top to the bottom in turquoise color. Dar click para Descargar   Good Luck! Send to your teacher by the blog. Be punctual. The deadline is on November 6th.