
Showing posts from September, 2020
September 28th, 2020 Good afternoon every body, Today starts week 4, I hope you will be very responsible with the activities proposed by the teacher. - For the class by zoom : Translate and understand with the help of your teacher.   Dar click para Descargar.     - At home for Homework : 1.- Copy the story on our notebook. 2.- Write TRUE or FALSE next to the following sentences according to the story. 3.- Write the meaning in spanish of the words in red. 4.- Match the words to the correct pictures according to the story  "Interesting People" Dar click para Descargar     Good luck! send to your teacher by mail as a PDF file or an imagen.This week is graded.   The deadline is on friday, October 2nd, at 12:00pm. Be punctual!
September 21st, 2020 Hello dear students, how are you today? I hope you´re well. This is a new week and you have the following activities. - For the class by zoom: .Find the classroom supplies in the word search . write the words.   Dar click para Descargar     - at home for homework: . Copy on your notebook the classroom supplies and the useful expressions. Draw if it is necessary to understand meaning.     Dar click para Descargar   Dar click para Descargar     Good luck! Send to your teacher by mail as a PDF file or an imagen.  Don´t forget the deadline is on friday, 25th  at 12:00 pm.    
 September,  Monday 14th, 2020 Good afternoon dear students, I hope you´re well and continue taking care of yourself  at home. For this week you have to do two things: 1.-  The diagnostic test and send me it by the blog . I t is an interactive page.    Dar Click para Descargar     2.- You have to copy on your notebook "All about me", complete with your personal information and send me by mail next to the cover that you made last week as a PDF file.     Dar click para Descargar   Good Luck Students! See you next week.  The deadline is on friday 18th at 6:00 pm.
 September 1st, 2020 Back to School! Welcome to this new school year. My name is Diocelina Sabando. I am an English teacher. I hope you are well together with your family and  this year will be one of many successes for you. It is time to learn and I invite you to start this year with great enthusiasm. I am an English teacher for eight A-B-C-D-E-F. Homework: Make a cover on your notebook.   Dar click para Descargar